0.3 micron Polyethylene Filter – Removes harmful bacteria and suspended material absorbing chemicals, residual chlorine, including heavy metals such as lead, copper, pesticides, hydrocarbon detergents (Carcinogen) effectively 99.99% and Softens water.
– Filtration rate 150-250 liters / hour (at 30 PSI water pressure)
– Filter Can be used for 10,000 or 1 Year (if water flow decrease before recommended filter life it is recommended to wash filter in tap water with soft bruh.
– Change the filter every 9 months or 1 year
– Note the efficiency and useful life of the water filter. And various equipment depending on the conditions of use, maintenance and maintenance Cleaning Including depending on the amount of water used And the quality of raw water used to filter
– Made in Thailand.
Nasir Ahmed (verified owner) –
Excellent service with feedback to the customer for confirmation of order delivery. I am satisfied with the services provided by kuzo.pk.
admin (store manager) –
Thank you so much for your valuable feedback. Please follow our facebook page for more exciting updates. جزاک اللہ
Nasir Ahmed (verified owner) –
Excellent service.
Nasir Ahmed (verified owner) –
Product is timely delivered and it is as per specification.
Nasir Ahmed (verified owner) –
Product is delivered in-time at door step. Satisficed with the purchase at kuzo.pk
Mansoor H. (verified owner) –
Mohsin Siddique (verified owner) –
Abid SALEEM (verified owner) –
Nice product exclusively available at this store. Please mention the stage on which it should be used as some one become confused.